
Home our customers say Norhafizah Mohd Noor
Norhafizah Mohd Noor

Client Information

Name: Norhafizah Mohd Noor  Nationality: Malaysia

Itinerary: Xian Muslim Tour 4 Days

Time of Traveling: From May 25 to May 28, 2019

Dear Hannah

Xi'an tour leave us a memorable journey. With our very informative guide, Mary. She was such a sweetheart and was very knowledgeable. Mary always had our best interests at heart. She gave us detailed history and background about the places we visited (Terracotta Army, City Wall, Bell Tower, Drum Tower, Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Muslim quarter).

She even helped us bargain when we shopping in the Muslim quarter. Street shopping at the Muslim quarter was a real bargain. They have many stores and since our guide Mary helped us to bargain, we got really good deals.

The Terracotta Warriors is something not to be missed. It is unlike anything you have ever seen before. The best part is we had a chance to see it before our eyes.

Thanks ICT for a great travelling experience

Norhafizah Mohd Noor

Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 October 2019 11:35